Get The Official SSAT Guide

The SSAT publishes an official guide. You can get it on their website for $35. Order early, as it can take a couple of weeks to ship to Canada. This is the SSAT book you need to buy.
You may already have ordered an SSAT book from amazon. Princeton Review’s and Kaplan’s books are both popular – I use these in my lessons.
But they’re not enough. The questions in commercial SSAT books are not real SSAT questions. Kaplan and Princeton Review make up their own questions to simulate the SSAT.
Only the official SSAT guide uses real SSAT questions. It has two official exams, they’re the only available SSAT exams, and every SSAT student should take those two tests before writing the real SSAT. Taking two official tests will help your child get a better score, which will let them get admitted to a good school and maybe even get a scholarship.
Order the official guide today:
Note: There is one SSAT guide that writes good simulation SSAT questions. Those are the guides by Ivy Global. I highly recommend buying them.
Obtenez la Guide Officiel Du SSAT
Il y a un seul livre qui a des examens officiels SSAT. C’est la guide officiel du SSAT. Tous les autres livres inventent des questions. Ils sont utiles, mais les questions ne sont pas vrai.
Pour assurer la meilleur preparation pour votre enfant, commandez la guide officiel aujourd’hui. C’est disponible que sur la site du SSAT. Ca coute $35. Ca peut prendre quelques semaines pour arriver au Canada:
Note: Il y a une guide qui fait des bons questions simulées. Ce sone les guide de Ivy Global.
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